Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sparkly, Sassy, & Sweet

What's it like to work at Victoria's Secret you ask?  Why, it's sparkly, sassy and sweet of course!  I've worked at VS for about three months now and it's a pretty fun job for the most part.  Getting familiar with all the merchandise is daunting yet tempting.  With so many pretty, girly things, impulse buying is something you quickly learn to control!  I'll give you a quick run down of what we sell in case you're unfamiliar for some strange reason.  Victoria's Secret is most famous for their bras, we have over twelve style and new releases every month or so.  Just as numerous as our bras, are our panties, we have them to match almost all our bra styles and designs.

Then there's the PINK brand, which is targeted at a younger generation with lots of cute cotton pants, hoodies, shirts, bags, bras, panties, etc.  VS also has a beauty brand that sells fragrances, like splashes, perfumes, soaps, shimmer mists, and hand lotions.  Finally there is an entire VS makeup brand that was just revamped, containing foundations, shadows, liners, primers, glosses, lipsticks, you name it cosmetic.

As far as experiences I've had with customers go, there hasn't really been any too unusual.Granted, there has been a creeper or two come in with questionable intentions, but the majority of the men that come in the store are legitimately buying things for their wife or something.  As far as women customers are concerned, they've all been nice for the most part, although measuring them was a bit awkward at first.
Shoplifting is also a big concern for the VS store I work at. Before we leave the store everyday, we have to get a supervisor to look through all our belongings to make sure we aren't stealing.  As far as shoplifters go we have a code word for them, when we say or hear it we are on high alert, so to speak, watching some suspicious customer.  There have been a few incidents since I started working there but none on my shifts, so I have no juicy stories to tell.
Before I go, I have to tell you my favorite part of the job...employee gratis!  Gratis is free merchandise or employee discounted merch.  Who wouldn't want a $50 bra for $15 or free for that matter!  Overall, it's a neat job for a girl who likes all things feminine and fun.  So next time your at a mall, check out your Victoria's Secret store, we have something for everyone!

Love, L xoxo

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